In prehistoric times, and especially with the Ligurians, the first organized inhabitants of our territory, the peaks of the mountains were considered the most natural point to get in touch with the divinities, as more close to the sky. For this reason the signs of this cult materialized with the presence on the peaks of bronze votive statuettes were found in the mountains of the four regions surrounding our territory. Monte di Pregola has all the characteristics to have been considered a sacred mountain. In later times a baptismal font was built on the summit, still visible today and later, next to the source, a church from the Lombard period of which the perimeter walls and the altar still exist today. Not only that, many centuries later, the Malaspina family settled on the mountain, building a real castle and an ice house.
For these passionate researches and the related findings we must first of all thank Mr. Fiorenzo Debattisti. The site is a few minutes walk from the hotel and also allows you to enjoy a beautiful view.